10 Pole Dance Moves from a Layout

There are so many cool pole dance moves you can move into from a Layout.

In this video, I wanted to list just a few of them!

Below are some of the many pole moves that you can get into from a layout, in the order featured in the video above.

Let me know which one is your favourite and if you have any to add to the list 😀


Where possible, I’ve linked to the full tutorial for each listed pole move over on PoleFreaks Studio.

  1. Plank
  2. Wrist Seat
  3. Toothbrush
  4. Invert
  5. Cross Knee Release
  6. Cross Ankle Release
  7. Ball
  8. Iguana
  9. Inside Leg Hang
  10. Twizzle to a Ball

I hope you enjoy the video!

Let me know which of these are your favourite moves to add on to a layout…

Much pole love,

Holly x

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