Sometimes I get really overwhelmed with all the different things I’m trying and wanting to train. I never know whether I should work on strength moves or flexibility, combos or go over old moves.
I’ve started to add strength training in to every workout. I only add in a small amount and really focus on the big moves I want to get.
Depending on what move it is, I try and add 3 – 5 on each side.
I wanted to give you a rough idea of types of moves, so that you can then pick and choose exercises suitable for your level. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Knee Tuck Progressions:
1 – One Leg Off the Ground and Hold
2 – One Knee Bent and Lift the Other
3 – Full Knee Tucks – Singles
4 – Full Knee Tucks – In a Row
Climb Progressions:
5 – Basic Climb
6 – Forearm Climb
7 – Forearm Pencil from the Floor
8 – Forearm Pencil from Climb
9 – Split Grip Pencil from Climb
Pull-up Progressions:
10 – Seated Pull-ups
11 – Arms Only Pull-ups
Dynamic Pull-up Variations:
12 – Pencil Spin
13 – Outside Climb Over
Strength Moves:
14 – Shoulder Mount Plank
15 – Deadlift Prep
16 – Iron X
I hope you like this video – let me know how you get on 😀
Much pole love ❤️
Holly x