We all aspire to be better on the pole, and have our own pole idols! Kiki writes about how it’s important however, not to judge your progress against that of others. We’re all striving for self improvement. If I’m better than I was this time last month – that’s a result!
The Reason Why I Don’t Film At Home!
Those of us who have ever tried filming our pole exploits at home probably have a similar story to tell as Leen Isabel in her latest pole cartoon! Rarely does the footage end up quite as ‘pro’ as we had imagined!
Pioneer of Pole: Anna Grundstrom
I recently came across this interview by Lolo Rashel, speaking to co-founder of USPDF, Anna Grundstrom.
Handling The Speed Bumps In Your Fitness Journey
Life gets in the way of our training from time-to-time. No matter how passionate you are about your training, this frustrating fact is true for all of us! KiKi shares some great ideas about handling these speed bumps that stand in the way!
Inside My Pole Room
For a while now I’ve been telling anyone who will listen about my new pole studio 🙂 And by that I mean that I have a spare room in my new house where I have put my pole up. I spend so much time there that I thought it was about time to let everyone […]
Pain! But The Good Kind
We recently started following Pole Dance Geek. A busy girl whos blog contains the unique blend of Pole Dance and Computer Gaming 🙂 In this, the most recent of her pole articles, she talks about breaking through the mental blocks and regular pain of pole dance training – and her new adventures with Kettlebell training […]
Feel The Burn!
We’ve all been there! Another awesome cartoon from Leen Isabel. Perfectly capturing the painful moments most of us feel on a regular basis… Yet we always go back for more 🙂
Width Matters! Thoughts on Pole Diameters
A little while ago, Aerial Gypsy from Flexines posted a great article on Pole Diameters for Pole Dancing. Have you tried poles of different diameters? Which best suited your hands, body type, and style?
Aerial Hoop Championships
It turns out that the Australian Pole Fitness Championships 2013 held last week on the Gold Cost apart from the traditional women’s, men’s and doubles pole dance categories also featured an Acrobatic Hoop Division! Aerial Hoopla recently posted a couple of great videos showing the breathtaking routines from the 1st and 2nd place males 🙂
Titanic Fail
Another piece of fun pole artwork from Leen Isabel 🙂 Sound familiar…?