We recently came across this great post from Maggie at Live It Up Pole Fitness. Maggie shows us a simple and effective stretch to improve back extension, using just the couch!
The Wonders of Aerial Yoga
Find the thought of Yoga a little uninspiring? What about Aerial Yoga?! What is the difference between aerial yoga and the regular “grounded” yoga you might ask? Well, first of all, aerial yoga, also known as anti-gravity yoga, uses aerial fabric/hammock which makes holding the poses and keeping your balance a lot easier because part […]
My Pole And My Partner
My boyfriend has gone away for the weekend and I’m left alone in the house… with my pole. I got really excited that I had some quality pole dancing time, but I still missed him quite a lot. I started thinking about all of the reasons why I love Pole Dancing and how good I […]
Rock Hard Abs!
We all want a rock-solid flat stomach! Leen Isabel has created this brilliant cartoon showing a couple of her favourite abdominal exercises on the pole. Why not mix these in with your pole training to add some variety 🙂 Visit Leen’s blog for more awesome artwork.
Songs for the Siren with Kerry Anne Aldridge
Recently S Factor teacher Kerry Anne Aldridge was featured in an article on poledancingprofessor.com about putting together playlists to inspire your pole routines and performances…
Reviews: Pole Dance Grip Aids
Diana Renee Boyle (soon to be a PoleFreaks guest blogger) recently shared an article on UPA reviewing nine different types of grip aid to help your pole dancing…
Finishing Your Moves Well
Kim at poledancecompetition.wordpress.com is a self confessed pole addict! In this, her latest post she explains how videoing her pole practice has prompted her to start specifically working on finishing her pole moves well. The camera doesn’t lie!
A Pole Dancer’s Brain
Leen Isabel’s artwork has provided us all with a scarily accurate insight into the mind of a pole fanatic. It’s almost like she can see INSIDE my head! 🙂 Can you identify with many (or all!) of the sections? What would you add? Visit Leen’s blog for more awesome artwork.
Strong Or Weak Arm – Is It What You Think?
I’ve always thought that my strong arm was my right arm. It’s the hand I write and use the computer mouse with as well. Just because it’s my dominant hand does it mean that it’s my strong hand when it comes to pole dancing? I’ve been thinking about this recently as I’ve been going over […]
Pole Idol – Cleo the Hurricane
In this new post by Aerial Hoopla, she tells us about one of her recent pole crushes. An amazing pole dancer from Australia – Cleo “the Hurricane”. Her name really does her justice, she is like a hurricane – a force to be reckoned with!