We all like to watch our favourite pole performers sharing their routines and moves on YouTube. I find it really inspiring, and a good source of motivation when I come across a great video. However, we all have our own tastes. What about the routines that you dislike? Do you simply move on and search […]
Tips For The Ayesha
Ayesha, Ayesha, Ayesha. There are not enough words to sum up the frustration and hours of attempts that this move has taken me. I thought I had been able to do the Ayesha for a few years now but it’s only recently that I’ve come to realise that there’s a better way for me to […]
Gemini Plank or Flatlined Scorpio… What’s The Difference?
We all have different names for pole dancing moves depending on where we learn and who teaches us. The difficulty comes from talking to other people and having crossed wires when talking about the same move. The biggest confusion for me comes from the Gemini and Scorpio moves and variations – everyone knows them by […]
Making A Pole Dancing Mission Statement
What do you use to keep yourself motivated in your Pole Dancing training? This new article from Brigitte Boyes of ClubMynx Fitness explains how she uses a Pole Dancing Mission Statement as a concise tagline or theme for the year to keep focused. What do you want to achieve this year? Here are a few suggestions […]
How Good Are You… Really?
When it comes to most things, people seem to down play their talents. What would you say if someone asked you if you were a good singer, if you have good computer skills or if you were a good driver? A lot of people tend to say that they are okay, rather than saying how […]
Catching Up With A Champion – UPA Interviews Charlee Wagner
United Pole Artists yesterday published an interview with Charlee Wagner, recently crowned National Aerial Pole Art (NAPA) Female Champion. She explains about the bad ass alter ego ‘Selena‘ she created specifically for the NAPA competition! 🙂
What I Expect vs The Reality!
We’re big fans of Leen Isabel’s Pole Dancing cartoons 🙂 Today we found the picture below and had to share it… Sound familiar anybody?! Visit Leen’s blog for more awesome artwork.
Pole Harmony: The Practice of Yoga
Kody from Pole Harmony posted a new article today about the many benefits, both physical and emotional, she’s seen from resuming her yoga practice. Find out how the flexibility gains in her core and back from yoga have helped her pole dancing.
Why I Never Do the Split Grip Handspring (or Why I Owe The Twisted Grip a Great Big Apology!)
If you’ve ever suffered a wrist injury from pole dancing, you need to read this article! Maggie at Live It Up Pole Fitness Studio talks about her own frustrating wrist injury, and the process of identifying the cause – in her case the Split Grip Handspring.
How To Choreograph A Dance For Performance
Have you entered a pole competition this year? If so, how’s your routine coming together? Sheena LaShay shares her own tips on how to choreograph a pole dance for a showcase or performance…