Climb the pole to a pole sit. Place your strong, inside hand on the pole in front of you at shoulder height and place your weaker hand across your body and onto the pole above it. Make sure you have a strong grip on the pole with both hands. Take your legs off of the […]
Pencil Spin
This pole dance tutorial will show you how to get into your Pencil Spin move. Learn the tips and tricks to make your Pencil Spin stronger.
I Get So Mad When I Wake Up…
I love the Pole Dancing artwork drawn by Leen Isabel. Today I stumbled across this one. I too dream of being more flexible… it’s a work in progress! Visit her blog for more awesome artwork.
So You Want To Produce A Pole Show?
Ever been to a Pole show or competition and thought: ‘I could put on a better event myself” Sheena Lashay shares her thoughts and experiences about what it takes to produce an awesome pole show.
Natasha Wang on Competing
PoleDanceCompetition recently published a great guest article written by international pole performer Natasha Wang. Natasha provides some fantastic bits of advice for anybody training for an upcoming pole competition.
How Hard is Pole Dancing?
I’m always getting people asking me: Is pole dancing hard? The honest answer is both yes and no! Learning is to pole dance is hard in as much as anything new is; everytime you try a new move you’ll probably find it difficult but once you’ve got that move nailed, usually it’s a piece of […]
What To Do When The Pole’s Too Cold!
We all know the feeling when the pole you’re all geared up and ready to go… but the pole is not. It can be quite tricky and a little uncomfortable if the pole is too cold to use. Here are a few of my tricks to help get the pole ready for action! Cleaning I use […]
Turn Your Office Into Your Gym
For some of us work means swinging around a pole while for others it means sitting and typing at a desk. While I wish my work was in the studio alone, I do have those times where I am sitting at a desk. While I have the luxury of being able to walk around the […]
High Kick Hold
Stand with your strong side closest to the pole. Place your strong arm around the pole at shoulder height in a forearm grip and place your weaker across your chest and on the pole. With a good hand grip, jump both feet off the ground into a tuck and immediately straighten them out so that […]
Wrist Seat Variation (Eye Opener Variation)
Climb the pole as if going into a pole sit. Holding the pole with both hands, lift your body up and place both legs straight out in front of you, parallel to the floor. Cross your strong foot over your weak foot. Grip on to the pole with your thighs, keeping your grip strong through […]